The Art of Igniting Curiosity

Dear Clarion parents and friends of Clarion,

What a great holiday show!!!

I am so proud of our whole school community for the 3 shows. Ms. Iva, the music teacher did a wonderful job with the help of many others to put on 3 shows.

I also want to thank Ms. Srei, our Art teacher for the concert decorations – she had help from some parents, and many students and staff- AND the Grades 4, 5, 6 “Passion Hour” art display in the Atrium.

Ms. Elham, the IT teacher did an amazing job with her students making the digital art display- and this will loop in the atrium for a while when we return in January.

Mr. Ashik and his team did a fantastic job moving things up and down off the stage; they also built the stage the weekend before, and did the overhead wires and helped hang the artwork from Ms. Srei.

Other staff and teachers were involved and we thank them too for their efforts to support your children in their performances

CPC news: great CPC luncheon thank you!

I am so proud of the CPC for their wonderful luncheon Tuesday for the entire Clarion team- teachers, assistants, back office, cleaners, drivers, and all staff. The food was delicious and abundant- and a wonderful expression of kindness.

Along with lunch they gave gift cards for every person who works at Clarion. Your care as parents through the CPC is evident (and it’s not too late to check with CPC about a donation to them as was asked earlier this year! About 70% of you have given and your help with CPC permits the CPC to continue to do great things for students and staff, like National Day, the luncheon, and more to come in 2022!).

CPC Picnic:

Tomorrow Friday December 10th at Al Barsha Pond park from 9 AM to 12 noon. There are 50 families already signed up and room for more!

Our School Schedule in 2022 will have minor modifications as we shift from a Sunday- Thursday week to a Monday-Friday week:

I have requested that KHDA and MOE give us better specifications for how we need to make changes to our schedule for January 2022. I will get to you a further update on how we will open on January 3rd for that week, but in simple terms:

Sunday schedule becomes Monday

Monday becomes Tuesday

Tuesday becomes Wednesday

Wednesday becomes Thursday

Thursday becomes Friday- with modifications to meet the final closing time requirements from MOE/KHDA/Federal Authorities.

I want to thank parents for your patience as we all in the schools still await specific detailed instructions. But our schedule is easy to shift at Clarion and it isn’t ‘rocket science’ to do so once I get the final parameters from MOE/KHDA.

Final Word: Over the holidays:




Build sandcastles.

Take walks and bike rides.


Watch birds and insects. Research them- “how are seedless grapes made?”

Write postcards to Space: MOE has asked us to pass on to students this wonderful initiative to have your child write a postcard that, according to the attachment, will be flown into space and then be returned with a postmark that the letter went to space! I might do one too!!!! This is a wonderful holiday break activity to do as a family.

Lego stars link and info: You can help children with less this holiday season. Go to this link to learn how to do so by building a lego star- MT_Sidekick_Holiday_Campaign_Drive_Phase_Build_to_Give_LP-MP-MT-GR9NTUUGQN

This is a very fun activity you can do over and over with your children over the next few weeks and be SUPER creative!

Follow the instructions to post your ‘stars’ online with the #BuildToGive

Here are examples (please see the attachments) from Linkedin where 100’s of people are participating just in my network of connections.

January 3rd is the first day of school in 2022 - thank you UAE government for the extra day!


Jim #BuildToGive #3Weeks+1Day #NewYearNewWeek Pastore

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