The Art of Igniting Curiosity

Dear Clarion School Parents and Friends,

It has been a fantastic week with your children. This week I just have a few announcements:.

Report Cards:

The final report card of the year will come out on Wednesday, June 30th.

It will be the same format as the mid-year report you received at the end of January. I want to thank the teachers in advance for the hard work they are putting into the reports that are sent to you this year.

Refer a Friend and Stay and Play:

We will run a “stay and Play” for prospective families on the 19th of June. The “refer a friend” discount is in effect for this event -- tell your friends who are interested in Clarion and who knows….you might earn yourself a discount! (The refer a friend info is further down in this newsletter!)

Summer Camp Reminder:

Prosports and Lens Sports will run multi-sport camps during the Summer break, from July 4 to August 19.

Parents should register their child directly with the provider of choice.

Have a great weekend!!!


Jim #OnceAblueMoonShortNewsletter Pastore

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