The Art of Igniting Curiosity

Dear Parents and Friends,

As the weather heats up we are making a few adjustments to the way we do things to support your children and you.

We do open the gates at 8:00 AM for Ramadan and I have to say that several of you have been so caring to not bring your children inside before 8:00 AM. We appreciate you not simply pulling up early and leaving children to go into school before ‘time’ to open; the caring you show by respecting the school ties is noted and appreciated!

We are opening the Gate 3 a bit earlier so you don’t have to sit outside in the heat waiting. Please feel free to come into the courtyard or even ‘hit the street’- just be careful of not interrupting any PE lessons in the Gym room in the last period, and please do not go to KG classes early for pick up as pack-up time is vital for the children and teachers.

Thank you for your understanding of the pick-up process!

No Student Day due to Parent-Teacher Conferences:

On Thursday, April 29 we will have conferences. You will be sent a link on Sunday, April 25 to sign up for the conferences. The timings will go from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM and thank you in advance for understanding the Ramadan timings for work.

Progress Reports will come to parents next week so you have a document to discuss as the basis for your conversation with the teachers. The teachers are working hard to finalize the written reports for your children, and the format is the same as in the first ¼ of the year- a narrative for each subject area.

As with the previous two PTC days, the students will not come to school that day i.e. Thursday, April 29. Thank you.

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