The Art of Igniting Curiosity


School Calendar 2019-2020

Important Dates

Student Home Visits: Week of August 25th, 2019

New Student Orientation: Wednesday, August 28th, 2019

First Day of School: Sunday, September 1st, 2019

Teacher PD Day / No School: Sunday, October 13th 2019

Winter Break Starts: Friday, Dec 13th, 2019

Classes Resume: Sunday, January 5th, 2020

Teacher PD Day / No School: Thursday, February 20th, 2020

Spring Break Starts: Sunday, March 29th, 2020

Classes Resume: Sunday, April 12th, 2020

Last day of school for students: Thursday, July 2nd, 2020

School Hours


The Full PreK day is 7:45am to 3:00pm.

Early Pick-Up Option

For PreK Parents who would like to pick up children earlier we offer an Early Pick-Up Option. You may pick up your child at 12:30pm. Please notify and make arrangements with your teacher.


The full K1 to Grade 5 day is 7:45am to 3:00pm.


To ensure our children are supervised at all times during their school day, the following procedure is to be followed.

Late Arrival

Children arriving after 8:00am must go to the atrium to receive a late slip from the receptionist which is taken by the child or parent to your classroom teacher.


Buses leave at 12:30pm for PreK children taking the Early Pick-up Option; all other buses leave at 3:00pm.

Collection from Class for children going home at 3:00pm:

Parent will go directly to their child classroom and collect their child to take them home.

Children going home on school transport:

Support teacher in each classroom is responsible to take the children into the gym and hand the children over to the bus guardian. Children are not left alone until they are handed over to the adult bus guardian.

Children going to an after school activity – internal and external:

Support teacher in each classroom is responsible to take the children into the gym to the designated meeting point for their activity. This is for both our own internal activities and external activities. Children are not left alone until they are handed over to the adult in charge of the activity.

Leaving School Before the End of the Day

During the school day, students may not leave the school grounds at any time without a permission slip.

Students who leave school during the school day must be accompanied by a parent or authorized adult. Parents or authorized adults will sign a permission slip from the Receptionist to take students from school during the school day. Permission slips will be given to your classroom teacher as you pick up your child.

If someone other than the child’s parent is picking up a child, the child’s parent must call the receptionist in advance with the name, mobile number and relationship of that person. A copy of the emirates ID of the person picking up the child is required.

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