The Art of Igniting Curiosity

Dear Clarion Parents,

Thank you all for the gratitude you have expressed in a variety of ways for the work the staff do to keep Clarion open for face to face (F2F) learning and for teacher and staff efforts for those students and sections that have had to go into Distance Learning (DL).

I had the opportunity today to pop into a few lessons and see students online- and I saw one of our students here in Pre-K doing an online tutorial in writing his name at home on DL due to contact tracing! It was amazing to say hello to the student and to watch him work his way forward, writing his name while the teacher was in the classroom online…with the ‘big giant hand’ of a very patient and kind father reaching in from above and off screen to guide the marker as his son worked on the “e” in his name. The teacher and parent were teaming to inspire a 3 year old who had earlier expressed to the teacher “In January I WILL learn to WRITE!”


On to a few notes:

If your child shows any covid symptoms:

Parents shouldn’t send children to school if the child(ren) show symptoms. Please contact nurse Kristine at to ask any questions. We know that symptoms are similar at times to the flu….fever, aches, etc. And the COVID strain around mostly now has different symptoms than before. You all did so well with practicing caution last year and so far this year that we trust you to do what is best.

Antigen tests:

At this point, DHA and KHDA only recognize PCR tests done by health practitioners to trace COVID in the UAE. I know some of you have access to antigen tests; and we will see what tomorrow/next week/next month brings regarding testing protocol updates. Any antigen test you use at home for children is your choice but should be followed by a PCR at a health center or clinic for veracity that is recognized by protocols for purposes of school tracking.

Thanks for understanding.

Protocols update from KHDA for activities, PE and Trips:

The below info is DIRECT cutNpaste from a memo sent last night by KHDA:

Dear Principal,

Thank you for your patience, your strength and your resilience during this challenging start to the new year.

We are working with Dubai government authorities and monitoring changes daily. For the time being, the changes implemented at the start of the year will continue:

These rules are in place to minimise the spread of Covid-19, and to ensure that students are still able to benefit from face-to-face learning.

We’re working in a highly changeable environment, and we understand that you are making important operational decisions daily. We are here to support you in your decisions so that your school can continue to provide students with high-quality education.

We’ll be in touch again towards the end of January. In the meantime, please encourage parents and school staff to keep checking our FAQs for updates.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at

I am sure you noticed that they welcome questions and comments….ergo…the email at the bottom. (Random Jim Thought: Wonder how many Clarion parent emails will go to them….hmmmm the power of WONDER! the AGENCY to ask! The Clarion Way.)

Last FRIDAY of the month is now Dress Up/Down Day at Clarion:

Friday January 28th is our next Dress Up/Down Day…and I think given that we may have students at home on DL for any one of a variety of reasons that a PYJAMA DAY will be very appropriate! More later but this is an easy WIN for us all and will be FUN!

Final Musings:

I am so pleased with our community. I was speaking to a teacher in a group online in a Zoom meeting- not Clarion people- and they pointed out to me that “A friend of mine is a teacher in Dubai and a mom, and she is in an instagram group of XXXXmoms in Dubai (NOT Housewives of Dubai! LOL) and she went on and on and on about Clarion and how popular it is in the group!”

It was so gratifying to hear this teacher in another country speak glowingly about what she has heard from YOUR parent comments in a huge instagram Dubai mom group (note to Dads… do y’all need a group? DubaiDadDudes? Just a thought.)

As a further follow up to this, several of the tours of school this week for January entries and for Fall 2022 Clarion entries spoke glowingly about the glow YOU as parents share about Clarion.

Thank you all for your appreciation for our staff, our faculty, our community. This is truly a great place to be.

Have an amazing 2.5 days and see you Monday on my corner!


Jim #ClarionTheBestPlaceToBe Pastore

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