The Art of Igniting Curiosity


Good afternoon Parents and friends of Clarion!

International Day was a great success!

Thank you all for your warmth and for celebrating “International Day” at drop off and pick
up in our Clarion School “Avenue of Nations” in front of school today!

It was a real pleasure to see you all taking photos with your children and enjoying this part
of our Day.

A couple of arriving parents asked about flags we did not have out - and the team of Ashik
and JR (who has all the flags in storage!) and Rasool and Alwyn got flag stands and poles
and made up and the two missing flags were added to the FRONT of “Flag Avenue” within
10 minutes. Well done team Clarion!

Moving around school during the morning I witnessed dances, presentations, international
snacks at first break and wonderful creative national costumes. The energy that this brought
to classes today was magnificent and I want to thank parents for taking the time to work on
dress up day with your children. Your care and partnering with them was obvious!

(I do want it noted that as an American man, my outfit today was a pair of Converse
sneakers; Levi’s button fly jeans, and a polo shirt…nuthin is more ‘Merican than that! LOL)

I was also able to witness many of the class sections taking their children around school to
do their class dance to film. We could not for reasons having to do with social distancing put
together a big group dance - but thank you to the teachers for making this work in perhaps
an even better way!

I am so proud of the entire community for a wonderful International Day.

Week off Feb 14-18:

Don’t forget that there is no school next week Feb 14 -18; we will see you all on the 21st!

100th Day of School!:

February 22nd is when the K2s and others in school will celebrate the “100th Day of
School!” at Clarion. Students will be involved in creative, fun 100th day themed activities
during their Math lessons, and also reaching across curriculum areas all day long. I know
that teachers will reach out to you on SeeSaw and in their own class newsletters for their
own classroom celebrations and activities. But I also invite YOU as parents to do something
creative over the break centered on the number “100” to show us at school on the 22nd.

I can’t wait to see what families and classrooms come up with!

Mid-Year Camp sign ups:

You can still sign up for 1 or more days of the ‘mid-year camps’ run by two of our external
providers on the 14th through the 18th. The contact numbers of the providers is shared in
the 'Diary Dates' section below (Thanks Heerral!).

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